Friday, August 15, 2008


The family went to the NW Washington Fair tonight and watched the Newsboys. The fair always does a pretty good job of attracting good Christian bands. The past couple years we've also seen Jars of Clay and Third Day. I was planning on posting these in order, but I'm too tired to move them around so in no particular order...

Right before the concert was supposed to start there was a lot of commotion and people were all having their pictures taken with this guy. I thought it was lead singer Peter Furler, but it wasn't (though they do look a lot alike). So if anyone recognizes this guy let me know.

Jamie and I saw Paul Colman in concert back when he was with the Paul Colman Trio. Now he's lead guitar for the Newsboys.

He ventured off into the stands about halfway through the show.

I was able to walk up pretty close to the stage and get some good close up shots.

Quite a few of the pictures include the drummer, Duncan Phillips, with a warrior face. Peter and Duncan had a pretty good drum battle at the end of the concert. Unfortunately being in Lynden it didn't include their signature revolving set.

They had a big smoke screen at the end. The rounded cover kept all the smoke in and you couldn't even see the band for awhile. Well, off to bed.


rizeandshine said...

The guy you thought looked like Peter Furler at first is just some guy named Roger. His family told him to wear a black collared shirt to the concert and a bunch of newsboys fans thought he was Peter and asked for autographs.

Amber G. said...

WOW. Those are some AMAZING pictures!!!

Now why don't we get anything like the Newsboys over here at the NE Washington Fair? I don't think that's very fair... :0)

How are you guys? We got your e-mail newsletter the other day and it sounds like things are rolling along officially. It was a great first newsletter, by the way. Funny and informative. Those are the best. :) Can't wait for the next installments!