Friday, August 08, 2008


My parents bought Kobe a set of golf clubs last year for his birthday. He had some lessons last summer and I think we've gone to the driving range once since then. Last weekend all the boys and a few neighbors were in the backyard making divots, so I decided maybe we should go to an actual golf course. The weather was nice this afternoon so I decided it would be a good day for a family golf outing. Jamie was excited about the golf she could have some quiet time to read at home. So the rest of us headed to Raspberry Ridge.

I started to second guess my decision about halfway through the first hole. The course was pretty busy on a Friday afternoon and we weren't moving very fast. Christopher had already sustained a blow to the head by Colton because he thought he'd go stand next to him to give him pointers while Colton swung his club. By the third hole the boys were starting to get the hang of it though. We were right on the heels of a few blue haired ladies the rest of the way. It may take a few more outings for them to figure out the whole golf etiquette thing, but it's been 9+ years for the boys and they still don't get the whole dinner etiquette thing so I won't hold my breath.

Here are a few pictures of them in action.

This would have been a good picture with Baker in the background if the clouds hadn't started coming in.

And my favorite, Colton's warrior faced swing. They all had fun and the fairways still have some grass left (I find it interesting that they charge less for "juniors" to golf, it seems like they should charge based on the amount of damage to the course that certain age groups will inflict). All in all I think everyone had a good time.

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