Before the after pictures, we'll start with a series of pictures from before. Here she is the night she was placed with us. Her impossibly big eyes.

This one is a little graphic. She was very "dry". She also had neonatal breast hypertrophy, a condition that corrects itself over the first couple months of a babies life.

getting fed through an NG tube at Benson Hospital.

Blessing is a HUGE University of Washington fan

2 hours post op

3 days post op, with her hair platted.

1 week post op, with all her stitches and scabbing gone.
She still has lots of drool though.

She still has a few surgeries to go to fix her palate and nose but she's off to a good start.
Thank you for posting the pictures. She sure is a Blessing! And what a blessing that she got the start of her surgeries. I donated to the Smile Train people, as I'm sure many others will. What wonderful work they are doing!
Thanks Rusty and Jamie! Beautiful!!!
I am so grateful that I was able to work in Duside and meet your beautiful Blessing. You are amazing and I consider it a privilege to have been able to spend a brief time with you. All my best to you.
Leon Randall
Beautiful, beautiful!!! Jamie if you and you family have done nothing else while you are in saved Blessings life! And I am sure you have done so much more but this is monumental! Awesome! Thank you for sharing!
Leon, Thank you for your work (as the Liberian's would say). Enjoyed meeting you and the rest of the team. 142 lives changed in 4.5 days...not bad.
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