As dry season fast approaches Jamie decided it was time for the boys to get haircuts on Sunday. Most Liberians will tell you October 15th is the date rainy season promptly ends and dry season begins, although I've also heard November 2nd and a couple other dates. It has been a relatively dry rainy season with around 60-70 inches of rain, although it has dumped about 7 inches in the past week here at ELWA.
In any event the days have been getting warmer and the boys needed to lose some hair. We brought with us our clippers that I think I've had since high school. They've been on the decline the last couple years, but I haven't been able to find a set of clippers that work as well as they do (we bought two pairs last year that did not work well).
I started off with Colton and halfway through...the guard fell off. It is the first time that has ever happened with these clippers, so my reaction was...a little slow. The clippers shaved about a 3" square section on the back of his head, right down to his scalp. After a little discussion we decided it would be best just to shave the rest of the sides and back of his head. Colton is not a big fan of haircuts and short hair, so as you can imagine he wasn't very pleased with the results. He thought I should compensate him for the loss of his hair.

So then it was Kobe's turn...and yep, it happened to him too. I made it all the way to the end and got a little too confident. It cut out a section down by his neck, so we decided not to shave all of his hair off and just square up the shaved portion.

Now where did Christopher go...
1 comment:
Kobe's hair reminds me of a haircut I once had... Probably done by those same clippers.
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