The boys all started taking Tae Kwon Do a couple months ago. They go two days a week to the SKD Stadium and take lessons along with a number of other MK's and Liberian children. Today was their test day for their yellow belts. Here's the view inside SKD when we arrived about 8:15 this morning. The rain had just stopped and it was actually sunny and hot by the middle of the program.
Keith, hardly able to contain his excitement. After the program he was headed out with the people of On Surfari to film a surfing show featuring Liberia and Trinity Dental Clinic.
The students of Scorpion Tae-Kwon-Do Sport Academy
Their instructor, Master Junior Pewee Russian. There's nothing Junior, Pewee or Russian about him. He placed 3rd in the heavyweight class in Africa last year. He's a phenomenal athlete and great instructor. His story should be made into a movie someday. He was separated from his parents during the war when he was only a young boy. Ended up begging for food in the port when fighting broke out and he took refuge in a Korean ship. He spent the next 3 or 4 years aboard the ship as it circled the globe moving cargo. The Korean sailors took him in and among other things, taught him Tae-Kwon-Do.
Performing their Pomsee

Accepting their yellow belts from the Liberian Minister of Youth and Sports.

Eva Morgan, Assistant Justice Minister for Liberia, and a supporter and student of Master Russian, giving some remarks during the program.

Eva Morgan, Assistant Justice Minister for Liberia, and a supporter and student of Master Russian, giving some remarks during the program.
After the program we came back home and Jamie castrated 4 dogs. Well technically assisted in the castration of 3 and spayed one. She said she actually had fun doing it, so lock up your pets next time she visits.
Then the Sacras had a birthday party for one of the other MKs. Here's a shot of all the kids as they listen to Debbie explain a game (and why are Heidi and Joy glaring at me?).
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