So in the past 24 hours we've had a few animals pass through our yard. You would think that living in Africa we'd have all kinds of wild animals around, but not so much. The lagoon behind our house is rumored to have pythons and crocodiles, but we haven't seen any yet. So we're stuck waiting for people to wander around with animals.
Someone brought this chimp by a couple weeks ago trying to sell him. I told him no, we're not allowed to own monkeys here at ELWA. He corrected me and said "no, it's a baboon" (the Liberian name for chimps). So I had to tell him no, we're not allowed to own baboons either. A couple kids brought him by again yesterday. Here he is (or is it a she?) clinging to one of the boys.

Then today our neighbors brought over a Potto monkey that his mother just bought. In Liberia they call them Softly-Softly. They're very sloth like, and a little temperamental. This one already drew blood on our neighbor's finger.

And lastly, as I was getting ready for work this morning I heard a lively discussion in our front yard. Christopher and I went out to find out that the guards were arguing with some other ELWA Security staff over who got to keep the meat from a sea turtle that washed up on shore during the night. After a few more minutes of negotiations they split up the quarry and went on their way. Here's what was left in our backyard.

1 comment:
At least they could have left a taste of turtle for you seeings it was in your yard. I'm surprised Colton wasn't begging for that monkey.
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