Thursday, July 09, 2009


One of the guys I work with in services invited me to come to his niece, Elia's, Kindergarten graduation ceremony today. He is very proud of his Elia. Much of his salary goes towards her school fees and he takes his lunch hour every day to walk her home from school and make sure she's safe.

Here she is waiting to give her speaking part...she's the letter 'R'. The ceremony was 4HOURS! long. Singing...or maybe watching me take a picture of her.

Here is Patrick with Elia and her little sister Danielle back at their house.

Danielle and her unique hairdoo.

They brought out some speakers and started playing music. It didn't take long for 50 or 60 kids to gather around.

And a few random pictures at the party.

Sitting on top of my car...

When I was editing the picture above I noticed I could see myself in her eyes...

And two more random pictures. There are tiny frogs all over in the services yard right now. Africa is known for its large insects, but I've never seen frogs so small before. Here's a picture of one in Kobe's hand.

And a strange looking spider the boys found at one of the orphanages.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for all the photos. I think about you guys nearly every day. Hope everyone is doing well. God bless, Peter