We received a call in the middle of July from a friend who manages an orphanage just outside Monrovia. Someone had come to him looking for help with a set of twins. His daughter had passed away shortly after delivering the twins, leaving them and 6 other siblings orphaned. This orphanage does not take infants, so he contacted us to see if we would be willing to help.
We went with him and his wife to a nearby hospital where the twins were being treated for "runny stomach" and undernourishment. They were a month old but only weighed about 4 lbs each. After discussions with the grandparents and the Ministry of Health we decided to provide foster care for them.
Here they are at about 6 weeks old, shortly after coming into our home. Their grandparents had given them "temporary" names, Prince and Princess. We have decided to call them Kasen and Grace.
The proud Big Sister. (and boy does she look big now)
And here they are today, about 3 weeks later, with Blessing. They are gaining slowly, Kasen is up to a little over 8 lbs. and Grace is about 6 1/2 lbs.
All six of the children together. Not an easy picture... And when Jamie said we need a picture of all SIX, I asked who was taking the picture if all of us were in it...wait there are SIX children in our house?
Pictures with the three boys were hard enough.
After a little coaching and bribing they all finally looked at the camera.