Hard to believe it has been over three weeks since we've posted anything. I guess things are starting to get more routine here and there aren't as many exciting things to write about. So, here's a quick run down of the last couple days.
Kobe gets the distinction of having the first Laird birthday in Liberia. We had a couple other families over yesterday afternoon and had a small birthday party for him. Here he is opening up the present some of his relatives bought for him.

and here he is playing a new game with an audience.

Saturday a team of 8 engineering students arrived from Cedarville University in Ohio. They've come the past three years to work on projects. This year they are working on the water system mostly, with a few other projects squeezed in during the 2 weeks that they'll be here. Here's a picture of a couple of them at morning devotional in the Services conference room.

Another college visitor this month, Charlie, is here to help out with central services work.

A couple Cedarville team members working on a water tank.

Our Academy project is finally getting started. They are starting to build the trusses this week and the new classroom building.

A homemade ladder the carpenters built for the job.

Of course as soon as I walk onto the Academy grounds with a camera, there is a chorus of "Whi Man, Take my picture". How could you resist.

And children are the same the world over, as soon as you start taking pictures they have to do something goofy to get your attention. These guys broke out into a wrestling match.

We've been continuing to go to Acres of Hope on the weekend to visit the kids. We try to think up an activity every week to bring with us. Last week we took sidewalk chalk, which was a pretty big hit. Only a couple of the kids ate theirs. Which made for some good pictures of yellow mouths.

Other than that, I (Rusty) got pulled over twice in the past week for mystery traffic violations, almost got hit by a tire that flew off a taxi that was driving down the road (it took out a money changers umbrella and smashed a taxi door before coming to a stop) and had to transport three people to the hospital in the back of my car after another taxi ran off the road and into a crowd.