So, I am rather slow in posting about my road trip to Murfreesboro, TN. Better late then never though right? After leaving my house around 4 a.m. Wednesday Nov. 5th, I drove about a mile away and picked up my sister Jen. As we set out we decided to take pics of all the state signs as we entered them. We had some success to start and got Idaho.
Yep, I-90 east closed. I was able to call Rusty with our new phone and he let us know that SD was in bad shape. So, we turned around and headed back west. After a 5 hr. delay we got back on track and had we continued that extra couple hours the night before would have been stuck in SD for a couple days!
After about 20 hrs. of driving we decided we needed a bit of sleep at 5 am. We stopped and got about 3hrs. and here I am making sure we know where to go next.
We got the Kentucky one!
I think the most beautiful state was Kentucky. Each state had it's own uniqueness but Kentucky was just as I had imagined. I wish we had had the time to stop and take better pictures. Driving across the country and seeing Gods awesome creation and the creativity of the creator was a wonderful experience. If you have the time (take much more time then Jen and I did) and money I recommend it. I hope someday Rusty and I will be able to show our children this beautiful place we get to live in!
Here's Jen on an old stone bench in the yard.
Our first flight out of TN was early! We made sure to get there in plenty of time and almost asked if we could just get on the flight right before ours. We didn't but should have. Our flight was delayed in leaving Nashville and so we quickly asked the man at the gate in Atlanta how to get to our connecting flight, which he assured us if we hurried he would make. We got to the gate to find it totally emtpy. The man at the counter across the way told us it had departed even though we could see it still sitting at the gate out the window. After a very nice customer service women helped us for a LONG time, we were given seats on the next direct flight to Seattle and new seats on a much later connection to Bellingham. It was FOUR hours later. We had lunch, I read, Jen had a little nap. We got on and had to sit in the middle seat in different rows. We got to Bellingham without further complications around 8pm instead of 2pm. For the amount of driving and lack of sleep, we really had a great time with very little trouble. Thanks for keeping me company Jen.